Kerrie Worsfield
Author | Disability Advocate
Kerrie was born in the South Eastern suburbs of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia in 1975. She is a disability advocate and uses her lived experience of disability to help perform her role as a community member of her local council Access and Inclusion Committee. Â
Kerrie writes short poems and is a chin cup painter, and she has recently published her first book with Morpheus Publishing, titled Little Book with Heart. She is passionate about arts and uses this as not only a therapy for herself but a way to give back to others. Â
Kerrie excelled in her education years and was on her way to fulfil a career in corporate banking until the progression of Multiple Sclerosis changed her pathway. Through Kerrie’s perseverance, strength and courage she continues to share her life experience with others including this MS chapter.Â

Diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 1997, Kerrie found solace and strength through creative arts, including chin cup painting and poetry. Her journey and experiences have culminated in this touching collection of poems.

Whispers of Resilience: Our MS Stories brings together 26 poignant tales from Australia, each sharing a unique journey with Multiple Sclerosis. Through personal accounts, the book unravels the intricate realities of MS, giving a human touch to the condition. Each story becomes a beacon of resilience, contributing to an inspiring collective portrait of hope and fortitude. The authors hail from diverse backgrounds, transforming their shared condition into a wellspring of courage. These resilient voices convey a powerful message: "We are more than our diagnosis." Inviting readers into their world, they reveal not just the challenges of MS, but also the extraordinary strength and resilience it invokes. In the Pages of this book, you'll find stories of courage, resilience and hope from individuals touched by Multiple Sclerosis (MS). As we delve into the lives of these brave souls, we are reminded of the immense challenges that MS presents and the impact it has on those living with the condition, and their loved ones it is with a profound sense of purpose that we have chosen to give back to the MS community. With every copy, sold 25% of the proceeds will be dedicated to MS research. Our commitment is to fold to raise awareness about a mess, and its far-reaching effects and to contribute to the scientific advancements that one day lead us to a cure!
MS is a disease that can strike at any stage of life. Its symptoms are unpredictable, and diverse from numbers and tingling to fatigue and mobility issues. The challenges faced by those with MS are varied as the people themselves. It affects their ability to work study, and engage in everyday activities, taking a toll on physical, emotional and mental well-being. Our collective efforts matter by purchasing this book, you become a part of something bigger, a community of compassion and determination together we can make strides in MS research, supporting the scientist and clinicians tightly working to improve the lives of those affected by this condition join us on this journey, a journey of giving back spreading awareness and inspiring changes. Together we can make a lasting impact on the lives of those living with MS and their families.  
Featuring Authors: Emma Archer,  Diane Barclay,  Leanne Boothroyd,  Allyson Brown,  Amanda Campbell,  Don Campillie,  Angharad Candlin,  Nina Crumpton,  Lillian Cuba, Colleen Daniels,  Laura Di Lulio,  Kim Eagle,  Jayne England,  Penelope Gemmell, Candice Graham,  Robyn Hart,  Justine Martin,  Stacey Metcalf,  Elizabeth Nea,l  Kristi Paschalidis,  Clare Reilly,  Tanya Rountree,  Kerrie Worsfield, Lachlan Terry,  John Van De Putt, Beth Wurcker.


"I walked with my parents into the neurologist's building, a little nervous as to what I would hear from the results of the MRI. I was young and did not understand disease or condition.
I did not know what to expect or how to react to any diagnosis. The neurologist was not very friendly……he did not seem to have any compassion when he delivered the diagnosis: Multiple Sclerosis."
It was the day, in 1997,that changed Kerrie Worsfield's life forever. She was 22 years old.
Twenty seven years later, on September 14th this year, Kerrie launched the publication of her first book . The book is titled "Little Book With Heart". It is NOT just a title, it is the essence of who she is, and the large gathering at the launch was proof of the positive impact she has on people.
The book may be small but it contains a wonderful selection of photos, poems, stories and vignettes that provide proof of her resilience and determination. She never succumbed to despair, never allowed her disability to become a liability. "Little Book With Heart" is a testament to her strength and spirit.
" I am loving my life and who I am NOW", Kerrie states in her book. " This did not happen overnight. I have been through a lot of changes and challenges to get to this point"
Kerrie's " Little Book With Heart" will be an excellent gift to anyone who has a disability, but does not know how to get the support and care they need, or indeed anyone in despair: those who "wake and feel the fell of dark, not day" (Gerald Manly Hopkins)
Buy the Little Book. Read it. And be Inspired- as I was.
- Wilhelm Lutersz
"It is a privilege to have come to know Kerrie through our work together. All that her book brings to the reader contains the myriad components that make up this remarkable person.
Qualities of character that one cannot miss from knowing her include an irrepressible smile, a determination second to none, and a genuine love of people. What stood out so soon after meeting Kerrie, is her discerning mind and her ability to see all manner of things from more than one perspective. This might, at first, seem run of the mill. Yet in my line of work, I believe it to be one of the most important keys to how a person lives their life.
Kerrie has produced poetry that speaks to such a vast array of topics, couched in unique contexts, and which so readily take the reader into an array of clear and crisp visual images. Each poem is utterly unique. If I may venture an observation, the poem titled Mind Matters, contains a subtle wisdom that ought not be missed. The second line of each paragraph, when woven together, provides a formula for a better life. Bravo Kerrie!"
- Janine Claxton, Clinical Psychologist.
Kerrie Worsfield's 'Little Book With Heart' should have been called 'A Little Book With A Big Heart.' The poems and stories Kerrie has courageously chosen to share with her readers clearly show just how big her heart is.
"After reading Kerrie's book, it brought out some strong feelings in me. It gave me inspiration to chase my goals, not to take anything too serious, without taking anything for granted.
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